Jeeren kothmire udak is a must in our house during summer season. Jeeren means cumin and kothmir means coriander. I have been having this beverage since childhood. Coriander and cumin have the properties of reducing body heat, so acts as a natural summer coolant.
Serves: 3
- Jeeren Kothmire pittho (cumin and coriander powder) - 4 to 5tsp
- Water - 500 ml
- Sugar - as per your requirement (optional)
- Boil water in a pan.
- Add cumin and coriander powder.
- Add sugar and simmer for 2 to 3 min.
- Cover it with a lid and let it rest for sometime.
- Strain it.
- Serve hot or at room temperature or chilled.
For making cumin and coriander powder:
- Coriander seeds - 1 cup
- Cumin seeds - 1/2 cup
Dry roast these seeds for 10 seconds on low flame. Let them cool. Grind to a fine powder. Store it in a jar and use as and when required. You may also add 1/4 cup fennel seeds to it.
Milk may also be added to this beverage while serving just how you add for tea.
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