Lemon Grape Cooler

Lemon Grape Cooler is a very refreshing drink in summers. Lemon is a very famous commonly available citrus fruit having lots of health benefits and a helps in reducing body heat in summer. Grapes and mint are also summer coolants. Just thought of combining all these and making a wonderful drink.

Makes: 1 glass
  1. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  2. Grape juice (readymade) - 50 ml
  3. Mint leaves - 3 
  4. Black Grapes - 4
  5. Sugar - 1 heaped tbsp
  6. Jaljeera powder - 1/3 tsp
  7. Salt - a pinch
  8. Ice cubes - 5 to 6
  9. Water (normal or cold) - 100 ml
For Garnishing:
  1. Mint sprig -1 
  2. Black Grapes - 2 
  3. Lemon slice - 1 
  • Take a glass and drop mint leaves.
  • Add grapes and sugar, muddle them.
  • Add jaljeera powder, salt and grape juice. 
  • Add ice cubes and and top up with water.
  • Pierce the grapes with stirrer.
  • Garnish with mint sprig and lemon slice.
